Life Drawing has been around for a very long time. Look at historic paintings or artworks and you will find many nude drawings in them. These are considered Life Drawings. Life Drawing, also known as figure drawing, is the drawing of the human form in various poses and levels of details.
Read more – A Short History on Life Drawing http://www.stroudlifedrawing.com/history.html
Most Life Drawing classes start with short poses by the model to get your creative juices flowing and to loosen you up and make you feel comfortable with your lines and warm up to the class. At first, you might be making stick-men or struggling to see a resemblance between your drawing and your muse. But as each pose goes by you will get slightly better at it, and by the end the feeling of achievement is a real buzz. As the poses get in longer you will have the time to create more detail in your artwork, you could include the curves of the body, or the muscles or face expression, the detail to your drawing is unlimited. A good art teacher will also calm your nerves, by doing a couple of demonstrations at the start and giving clear instructions to help you hone in on the shapes and lines of the models anatomy.
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